Lifeboat Productions is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible. Program advertisements included in sponsor levels can be business-related, personal, or memorial.


Support our work

There are all too many stories that will never be told. Please consider a gift of $250, $500, or $1000 so that we can tell Kathi, Fritz, and Albrecht's story with the detail and care it deserves.

Sponsor Levels

$250 Donation - Bronze

Includes 1 ticket to the performance of your choice and 1/4 page ad in the program

$500 Donation - Silver

Includes 2 tickets to the performance of your choice and 1/2 page ad in the program

$1000 Donation - Gold

Includes 4 tickets to Opening Night on February 26th and a full page ad in the program

Underwrite The Black Knight

Sponsor a portion of our production budget to ensure our stories are told with the care and detail they deserve.

Costumes $2000
Sets & Props $2750
Facility $3000-$6000